
Major works are

  • VENUS ORCHESTRA algorithmic composition for virtual symphonic instruments  

    Short description of the work of art: VENUS ORCHESTRA is one of the composer’s most performed pieces and one of his personal favourites. It is Šijanec’s fifth work in the cycle of twelve compositions entitled Music of Cosmic Models. It was composed on the basis of his own computer programme and his original technique called magic squares. Sound parameters were realized according to the model of integral serialism in which he made use of various archaic numerical series of magic squares instead of the twelve-tone serialism. In the present composition the 7 X 7 magic square was applied, since this number has by tradition appertained to the planet Venus. Computer programme based on algorithmic processes determines the composition flow and is co-dependent on the basic matrix as well as on the principle of random events caused by a random number generator. All processes are filtered through various procedures (for instance, the coded Hindemith’s harmonic system tension), which gives an incredibly unique and comprehensive compositional flow. The composition programme simulates the sound of a symphony orchestra and a piano, subject to serialism of diverse digital and analogue processes. Venus Orchestra was recorded in Studio 22 of regional RTV Centre Maribor in 1995. The sound engineer was Sašo Papp, whereas the sound producer was the composer himself.  Translation: Maja Tihec
    Kratek opis dela: VENUS ORCHESTRA je med največkrat izvajanimi in skladatelju najljubšimi deli. Je peta skladba iz cikla dvanajstih del z naslovom Glasba kozmičnih modelov. Nastala je po avtorjevem računalniškem programu in temelji na njegovi izvirni tehniki magičnih kvadratov. Parametri zvoka so realizirani po modelu integralne serializacije, pri čemer skladatelj ni uporabil dvanajsttonske vrste, ampak različne arhaične numerične nize, imenovane magični kvadrati. V tej skladbi je uporabljen magični kvadrat sedem krat sedem (7×7), kateri po tradiciji pripada planetu Venera. Računalniški program na osnovi algoritemskih procesov določa potek kompozicije. Poleg osnovne matrice magičnega kvadrata je soodvisen tudi od principa naključnih dogodkov, ki jih povzroča generator slučajnih števil (random generator). Vsi procesi so filtrirani z različnimi postopki (npr. kodiran Hindemitov sistem napetosti v sozvočjih), kar daje neverjetno prepoznaven in celovit kompozicijski tok. Zvočna podoba skladbe je zvok velikega simfoničnega orkestra in klavirja, ki je prav tako podvržen serializaciji različnih analogno-digitalnih procesov. Skladba je posneta leta 1995 v studiu 22 Regionalnega RTV centra Maribor. Tonski mojster je bil Sašo Pap, tonski realizator in producent pa avtor sam.
  • CELEBRATION OF THE WIND for symphonic orchestra

    Short description of the work of art: As early as at the very beginning of its creation, the Celebration of the the wind, I have been entrusted to compose, evoked my inner wish to, at last, activate the creation of a narrative classical-romantic topic contrasting in-depth, intentional scenes in disnarrative world of the acoustic image with autonomous and unique musical sound idioms. The first question to answer was, what about melody? Immediately after that, what about harmony, tonality, classical-romantic arsenal of stylistically defined music, especially clear musical form? And the hardest one, hasn’t all these been already composed? Following such avalanche of questions, there emerged a picture of a chaotic perspective, yet there reconciliation too – in a wind-like cathrtic sentence from the teory os Chaos, They say a stroke of butterfly’s wings can trigger a real hurricane on the other side of the world. This was how the Celebration of the wind started; as an unconcerned creation in polyphnic intermingling of linear, melodic stream in seemingly tonal connectedness and unmistakable affection to the classical form. The composition is dedicated to my dear teacher, Uroš Krek.
    FIRST PERFORMANCE: Cankarjev dom, Gallus Hall, Ljubljana 29.03.2012, Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Conductor: Emmanuel Vilaume
    Kratek opis skladbe: Naročena skladba PRAZNOVANJE VETRA  je že v začetku dela v meni sprožila željo, da z notranjo slušno imaginacijo končno sprožim proces ustvarjanja narativno naravnane vsebine klasično-romantičnega tipa, katera bi bila v nasprotju s pogobljenimi, namernimi scenami nenarativnega sveta zvočne podobe samostojnih in samosvojih glasbenih idiomov. Prvo vprašanje, ki se je takoj pojavilo, je bilo; kaj z melodijo? Takoj zatem; kaj s harmonijo, tonalnimi odnosi, kaj s klasično-romantičnim arzenalom stilno opredeljene glasbe, predvsem jasne oblike? In najtežje vprašanje; a ni že vse to zdavnaj napisano? Po takšnem plazu vprašanj se je pojavila slika kaotične perspektive, pa vendarle, pomiritev je bila v vetru podobni, očiščevalni sentenci iz teorije Kaosa: Pravijo, da lahko zamah metuljevih kril povzroči na drugi strani sveta orkan. Tako se je torej praznovanje vetra pričelo. Neobremenjena kreacija v polifonem prepletanju linearnega, melodičnega toka navidezne tonalne povezanosti in jasne naklonjenosti do klasične oblike. Skladbo sem posvetil mojemu dragemu učitelju Urošu Kreku.
    Prva izvedba: Cankarjev dom, Gallusova dvorana, Ljubljana 29 .02. 2012 v izvedbi orkestra Slovenske filharmonije in dirigenta Emmanuela Villauma
  • PARALLEL WORLDS for electronic piano and electronic studio

    Short description of the work of art:From the very start of his preoccupation with electro-acoustic music, the composer came to the conclusion, as he himself tells us, that an electronic studio is actually a new »instrument« that can be played on in real time as any other instrument with the only difference that its capaties are sonorously not limited, a fact that he has been especially enthusiastic about. The resul of all this were his Parallel Worlds (1986) for electronic studio in cooperation with the then already recognized multimedia artist and painter Gordana Novaković. Having synergy of the visual (her exihibits) and sonorous as the foundation of this project, the composition was a result of a sudden inspiration, i.e. of the composer’s one day improvising »on the electronic studio«in Radio Belgrade. Here and there, a lyrically anraptured atmosphere is joined by echoes of universal infinity. Karmen Salmič Kovačič
    Kratek opis skladbe: Že na začetku ukvarjanja z elektroakustično glasbo je skladatelj, kot pravi sam, prišel do spoznanja, da je elektronski studio novo »glasbilo«, na katerega je mogoče igrati tudi v realnem času – enako kot na vsa druga glasbila, le da njegove možnosti zvokovno omejene, kar ga je še posebej navduševalo. Posledica tega so Paralelni svetovi (1986) za elektronski studio, ki so nastali tudi kot naročilo večmedijske umetnice in slikarko Gordano Novaković. Kot glasbeno osnovo za skupni projekt – sinergijo vizualnega (njenih razstavljenih slik) in zvočnega – je skladba, nastala kot trenutni izliv enkratnega navdiha, skladateljeve enodnevne improvizacije »igranja na elektronski studio« v Radio Beograd. Lirično zamaknjenemu vzdušju se ponekod pridružuje odmev vesoljne brezkončnosti. Karmen Salmič Kovačič
  • MIRAGE SIMPHONY for symphonic orchestra
  • PICTURE for mixed choir and percussion
  • THE DANCE OF GLASS BALLERINAS for 7 x 7 glasses and computer
  • FLAUTIADA for flute and computer
  • WATER DANCE – ©Water music MP3
  • SOLE
  • IT’S RAINING – ©Dežuje MP3


Šijanec’s works were published by Editions DSS (Composer’s Fellowship of Slovenia – Ljubljana) and UKS (Composers Fellowship of Serbia – Belgrade); Rokus Klett Publishing Ltd., Mladinska Knjiga Publishing House, Cultural Association of Maribor Literary Society – Publishing, Ljubljana, Maribor, Slovenia.

Šijančeva dela so natisnili Edicije DSS (Društvo slovenskih skladateljev, Ljubljana, Slovenija); UKS (Udruženje kompozitora Srbije, Beograd, Srbija); Založba Rokus Klett, d.o.o., Mladinska knjiga Založba d.d., Kulturno društvo mariborska literarna družba – ZaložništvoLjubljana, Maribor, Slovenija.

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